Quitting a job puts fledgling entrepreneurs under inordinate pressure (both financial and emotional) to make it work - and because of that they can begin making bad choices. They endure bad clients, take on debt that they shouldn't, and collaborate with business partners that they don't get on with but overlook that fact because they just need the help.
Someone who starts pursuing their dream part-time can ease themselves into their new endeavour, ensure they have enough finance to cover their basic costs and make better decisions. Emotionally this approach is actually a great way of tricking the mind into starting a business because it's not a big, terrifying leap across a chasm. There are many exceptions, of course, but I've found that leaving a regular job to start a new business is too much of a shock for most people. Many just need to get their head around the idea of running a business first and start breaking a few of their old habits. Taking this approach also allows them a chance to see whether they actually enjoy it!

Start small and build from there. It's amazing how even a small effort can make a big difference and before you know it you'll have left that job and your old habits behind for work that really matters to you.
The Esc team has pulled together some excellent resources and opportunities to help you do something different with your life - and you can take that one small step towards your new business TODAY by visiting http://escapethecity.org and subscribing.
For some real inspiration check out the story of Esc's founders Dom Jackman and Rob Symington, as well as members of their 90,000+ community who have broken away from unfulfilling corporate jobs to do work that means something to them.

It's got structure, support and inspiration and is designed to walk you through each step of kick-starting your career and finding your next challenge. Take a look here: http://www.startsomethingyoulove.com
