In the packed Rehearsal Room at Adam Street Club, Rob Symington (co-founder of Escape the City) and I spoke to a group of more than 80 people about ‘How to fund a start-up‘.
There was a great atmosphere and lots of good questions and lively discussion. The Esc team has written up an excellent summary of the event which covers everything from Angel Investing and Bootstrapping to Crowdfunding and VC Pitching, supported by plenty of personal stories and insights to learn from. If you're an entrepreneur looking for funding you'll find some invaluable advice here: Insights and Advice about Funding Start-Ups.
Thanks to Rob, Dom, Adele and the Esc team for inviting me to speak - I really enjoyed the event - and thanks to all who came along. Thanks also to Beverley Hamilton of one step further who has shared some of the things she learned at the event (below).
View photos from the evening here: http://on.fb.me/PLbsNK
Join Escape the City here: http://escapethecity.org