If you weren't able to get there on this occasion, the clever folks at Elephant Creative, who were taking part on some of the expert panels, also managed to live blog and tweet about the event throughout the day. You can read their brief summary of my session, Creative Ways to Fund Your Business, as well as summaries of the other presentations here: http://venturefestoxford.wordpress.com
At the heart of Venturefest is the funding stream. All day long, entrepreneurs seeking capital to start or expand their businesses are able to give 15-minute presentations to an audience of several hundred people among whom are investors, venture capital companies and high net worth individuals actively seeking to invest. It's a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors alike and creates a lively buzz at the event.
Thanks to everyone who made this year's Venturefest such a success. It was a pleasure to play a part in it. Here's to next year! For more details about Venturefest and related events visit: www.venturefest.com